Lisa is a truly fantastic tutor with so much knowledge to impart and experience to share. She made the content engaging and interesting and radiated a love of her area of expertise.

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Do you feel like there’s so much information out there on how to design a Digital Product?
We have created a course that gives you access to the top interface design techniques and industry knowledge so you can short-cut your route to success.
Lisa is a truly fantastic tutor with so much knowledge to impart and experience to share. She made the content engaging and interesting and radiated a love of her area of expertise.
I personally find Lisa a joy to work with. Her professionalism is underpinned by excellent communication skills, a good sense of humour, very strong skill sets and huge personal integrity.
Since working with Lisa, we have experienced an increase in traffic to our site and an increase in our newsletter subscribers. Before the revamp, our Shopify website was lifeless and disordered, with no sense of cohesion. With Lisa’s UX guidance, we turned our website into an easy-to-navigate accessible platform. It’s so simple to categorise and track products, saving us so much time.
Get support from experts in our online community
We are here for you every step of the way. There are opportunities to connect and socialise with other business professionals.
Self-paced online course
You get access to all the lessons. There are no deadlines so you can progress through the course at your own speed.
Downloadable Templates and guides
We believe that the most effective way to learn is by doing. You have actionable tasks and templates that you can use to help build your skills and confidence in the primary UX techniques.
Access to course materials for 1 full year
We understand everyone learns at their own pace and we want you to progress in the course in your own time. You have the freedom to access the material for 1 whole year.