In-House Training

Learn from the comfort of your workplace. This course can also be done remotely and customised to your business needs.

What is in-house training?

UX Design offers many benefits to businesses. But now more than ever it is vital to the business to have a competitive edge, with technology and digital experiences advancing so rapidly.

We understand that every business has its own unique requirements so we have developed an opportunity to work with businesses on an individual basis. We have delivered one-to-one mentoring and training to organisations, teams and individuals who need custom recommendations, a specific User Experience plan and knowledge on how to solve design problems fast.

Benefits to in-house training


Gain the language and confidence to articulate UX ideas to colleagues and customers


Get personalised support and advice directly from UX experts


Receive actionable and useful templates and guides to use within your organisation


Learn how to create a positive User Experience culture and mindset within your business


Learn about the key UX principles and real-world industry case studies


Choose a time that suits you

About the Course

UX Effect in-house training presents an opportunity to learn about exciting new areas in UX research techniques and design skills. This training gives you and your team the key foundations in UX so that you can become self-sufficient and instil a UX mindset within your organisation.

Through a hands-on practical approach, you will gain knowledge in:

  • How to solve big problems fast through discovery and brainstorming techniques
  • How to create a custom UX plan for your product
  • How to get crystal clear on who your product is for
  • How to recruit users for product testing and nurture the relationship allowing you to gain product feedback when required
  • How to test your product in different scenarios using the best usability tools available
  • How to analyse the feedback to make design decisions
  • The key UX design principles and guidelines to ensure product success
  • How to design for the Emotional brain and create moments of delight for your users
  • And how creating a Minimal Lovable Product (MVP) for launch is the secret to product adoption and success.

Duration: 2 Days

Update: This course can be done in-house or remotely and customised to your specific needs.

Talk to us

Let us know how we can help you