Psychology for Designers: How to apply psychology to web design and the design process

In this book, I will show you how psychological theory can be applied to design. It won’t demand you read every single research study. In fact, it contains very little in the way of theory. What it will show you are the benefits of taking a psychological approach, as well as how to find and apply relevant ideas, and advocate your design decisions based on sound psychological reasoning, making your designs – and the way you talk about them – better.

“The Pocket Guide from @mrjoe is fantastic. Doesn’t just reel off studies, but teaches you how to research for yourself. Wonderful.” @MalabarFront

Part 1: How understanding psychology can make you a better designer

What psychology brings to design and how we can use it to improve our designs and make us better at what we do.

Part 2: The different types of psychology

An overview of the major types of psychology and how useful they are at informing design.

Part 3: Finding and using psychological theories

How to solve a problem using psychology and where to find papers and studies to inform our designs.

Part 4: Advocating design using psychology

How to use psychology to talk about the benefits of our designs, and how to to test and improve on our designs.

Part 5: Taking your psychology studies further

An overview of university programmes and online courses to learn psychology theory appropriate to design and designers, as well as further links, reading and resources.

Part 6: Psychology every Designer should know

New! Psychology gives a framework for understanding how your users think and behave. Matching your design to your users’ behaviour is a sure fire route to design success.

Part 7: Psychology myths in design

New! Popular myths (7 +/- 2 anyone?) in psychology and how to spot a myth.

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